The CrossFit Theory that Drives Results


At Loud City, we believe that constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity drives results. Here’s why…

Constantly Varied

Our bodies adapt quickly to stimulus, meaning, if you do the same thing every day, your results will drop off quickly as your body adapts. By constantly varying our workouts, our bodies are forced to take on the new challenge and improve. You’ll likely feel sore using muscles you don’t often use, but the wide array of movements use will help prevent injuries caused by the fatigue of doing the same movement over and over.

We vary our workouts by movement choices, rep schemes, and durations. Routine is our enemy.

Functional Movements

Functional movements are movements that translate into the real world - things your body was meant to do. Our goal is to not only perform well in the gym, but to live a long and full life. That’s why functional movements are key. Things like running, jumping, climbing, lifting, and throwing are all parts of daily routine. We want the work we put in to help us excel in our everyday lives.

Do you ever pick up anything heavy off the ground? That’s a deadlift! Do you ever sit down in a chair and stand up? That’s a squat! Do you ever pick up anything off the ground and place it overhead? That’s a clean and jerk! Laid down to play with your child then had to stand up? You just did a burpee!

High Intensity

This is the difference maker. Intensity is what drives the results many of us want: fat loss, muscle gain, increased endurance, more energy throughout the day, etc. Essentially, we want to do the most work in the least amount of time. No longer do we base a successful workout by how long we were in the gym. We can get better results by operating at peak capacity.

You can see why in this example. Ask someone to do 100 push-ups in a day- they can either do 1 pushup every minute, or all 100 as fast as they can. It’s not difficult to discern who got the most of the workout doing the same amount of work.




Jonathan Meisner