4 Tips for Setting and Crushing Your Fitness Goals


At Loud City we have a strong desire to see our athletes achieve huge accomplishments in the gym. We want to see them at their fittest, strongest, and healthiest. However, it is more important to us that these great people do extraordinary things in life. We want to see our athletes help change their communities, be great individuals, and be high achievers that are helping add value to whatever they are involved in. The thing about life, as well as the gym, is that great achievements and successes rarely happen by accident. Sure, plenty of people have some natural skills that lead to impressive accomplishments, but a good rule is that hard work and intentional goals will oftentimes bear the most fruit.

Great achievements and successes rarely happen by accident - hard work and intentional goals will oftentimes bear the most fruit

A goal is a specifically desired end state, expressed in the positive tense, which provides motivation and direction on the path to achievement. Your coaches want to work with you to crush it in the gym.

Here are four tips for helping you achieve your fitness goals:

  1. Be specific and realistic. (i.e. I want to perform 50 pull-ups.)
    • Being specific helps you and your coaches work to reach the goal
    • Build on what you are already capable of doing
  2. Set a timeframe. (i.e. 3 months)
    • Too far in the future will create lack of urgency and fail to create the internal fire
    • Too short a time frame may lead to discouragement and burnout
  3. Create an action plan. (i.e. 20 extra minutes a week and start building on what you’re capable of doing.)
    • What steps are you taking?
    • These are the tasks you do each day and week to get to that goal.
  4. Write it down.
    • Put the goal somewhere visible
    • Put the goal in a journal
    • Find an accountability partner

One thing to understand is that your fitness is a lifelong pursuit and journey. There are many goals and accomplishments that we all desire and work towards, but it is better to hone in on only a couple at a time. Do not overwhelm yourself with too many goals at once, because doing so may likely lead not accomplishing any of them. Pick a couple of movements to improve on over the next few months, attack them by using these four points, and begin to see gains that will take your performance to the next level.